Make a Complaint

The CBSC has received a large number of complaints about comments made by Louis Gauvin about cyclists on Le Retour de Radio X on CHOI-FM (Radio X, Quebec City). To ensure that all complaints are dealt with efficiently and in a timely manner, the CBSC limits the number of complaints it will accept in respect of the same broadcast. The CBSC process does not vary based on the number of complaints made. The same consideration is given to one single valid complaint as to multiple complaints on the same matter.

The CBSC is now dealing with the broadcast under its normal process. As a result, no further complaints will be accepted by the CBSC on this issue.

Other concerns about this station or program will still be accepted.

Your feedback is important. The CBSC does not monitor or censor programming. It only reviews broadcasts when it receives complaints from listeners or viewers who have heard or seen something that concerns them. The CBSC is only authorized to deal with complaints about television and radio broadcasts. Therefore, the CBSC cannot deal with complaints about internet content, even if that content originated with a traditional broadcaster.

If you see or hear something that concerns you, write down:

  • the date and time of the broadcast
  • the name or call letters of the broadcaster
  • a short summary of what concerns you -- be as specific as possible about the nature of your complaint.

Your complaint must be made in writing. There are three ways you can submit your complaint:

  • complete the Complaint Form at the right of this page
  • send a letter by post to CBSC, PO Box 3265 Station D, Ottawa, ON K1P 6H8
  • fax your letter to 613-233-4826

Please contact us as soon as possible following a broadcast that concerns you, and at the latest within three weeks of the broadcast. Broadcasters are only required to retain copies of what was broadcast for four weeks and some processing time is required.

Zero Tolerance Policy

The CBSC expects that everyone will conduct themselves with courtesy and respect and in an abuse-free manner when dealing with the CBSC. Any messages written or otherwise that contain demeaning or threatening language towards CBSC staff or people who work for broadcasters will not be tolerated and it will impact the consideration of the complaint submitted.

Ruling Request

If you have already filed a complaint with the CBSC and received a response from the broadcaster, but you are not satisfied with the response, you can ask the CBSC to rule on the matter by completing the Ruling Request Form. Please submit the form within 14 days of receiving a response from the broadcaster.


I understand that all of the information submitted in this form will be forwarded to the station for their response and might be forwarded to another organization better suited to treat the complaint (CRTC, Ad Standards, CCTS). I have also read and agree to follow the CBSC's Zero Tolerance Policy.